Thursday 24 July 2014

653 Dead in just FIVE MONTHS...!!!

Okay, I guess the last few months had been really unlucky for the Malaysian airlines. And now, the new addition is the Algerie Airlines.. 

The Air Algerie flight that went missing and later on was confirmed to have crashed, had 110 passengers on board and 6 crew members…

 And then, there’s the Mysterious Malaysian flight MH370 that disappeared on March 8, and was concluded to have ended in the Southern Indian Ocean, and the saddest part of this flight is that, till now, there has been no confirmation of any flight debris, and no crash sites has been found. It had 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board presumed dead..  

And last but not the least, the Malaysian airlines flight, MH17 that lost contact with the base and later on, was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, launched by Ukraine rebel on 17th July, just 131 days after the incident of its Brother, MH370, had all 298 passengers including flight attendants, dead…

All of these incidents bring down to a total of 653 people dead in plane crashes, just in the last five months… Now, this is unbearable, unbelievable and just a lot to take in… All these incidents are now making travellers think twice before choosing to travel by air.. Even I’m a bit scared about my journey on 30th July.. But it’s just a 1 hour and 45 minutes journey from one state to another, what can possibly go wrong…  Right..?? And I don’t have any kind of anger or anything like that, on the Malaysian Airlines or Air Algerie for those incidents.. It can happen to anyone… You just don’t know..  But, the only thing that makes me sad is to think about what all those passengers might have gone through during the crash, what would have been their thoughts then and what their family members are going through right now. Specially the members of the mysterious missing flight MH370 with no clue of its crash or passengers yet..

May Their Souls Rest In Peace.. Amen.

Friday 18 July 2014

FRIENDS..!! A Gift Of God Or A Curse Of The DEVIL.. 3:)

Friends..!! A gift of God or a curse of the Devil.. Well, that depends on the kind of friends you choose to be with.. You can’t always understand who’s what…  But if you are intelligent enough, then, you definitely can distinguish between them.. It’s simple..!! One who cares, will be there for you in every turn of your life, even if you are sad or broke.. And the others will only be there at the happy turns of your life and when you have your pockets full…

Well, I always walk alone…  I mean, I have friends..But I never keep them close to me… And I have a big trust issue.. They think I’m their friend and I make them think so.. But, at the end, I know who’s what.. And Now a days, no one’s really your friend.. They all want something from you.. But if you are really lucky, you may get one or two friends who really  values your friendship.. And once you find them, hold them tight and never let go.. Because they are the ones who will company you through the entire journey of your life and be there in your sorrows and happiness.. They are the one who matters… And I guess I'm lucky enough to find three of such amazing friends..

So, there are friends who are the gift of gods and some, who are the curse of the devil.. But I say, make friends with both, but keep your distance.. In that way, you’ll be able to distinguish between people.. And keep only those who matters, closer to you…  :) :)

Friday 20 June 2014

A Trip By Train..!! :D

Train, a medium of travelling which has become less preferable now a days… People love to travel by air now, as it is less time consuming.. Well, I myself prefer flight to train.. But, sometimes, a journey by train can be really exciting and pretty awesome.. Right now, I'm in a train, travelling back home.. It’s a two day journey..  Well, I guess I chose this medium to return back home for its fun and an exciting experience..  And it’s the second day already,  Its 7am and the train will reach its destination by 4pm..
So, what happened last day..?? I boarded the train at 10am.. After that, it was quite a boring journey for an hour or two.. But then, there was this girl sitting opposite to me.. and we started chatting.. Our conversation starter was a mint chewing gum that I offered to her.. And then, everything went smooth and I didn't even realize how time passed by and it was afternoon already.. I guess at that time, we ran out of things to talk about.. So, I had my laptop with me and started watching movie and she began to write something…  And best part of the first day was the views outside the window..  The wide spread corn fields,  the beautiful village areas, all those other beautiful sceneries… The beauty was just unspeakable..

So, that was the best things of the first day..  And now, it’s the next day, and so far, nothing much has happened.. But, its still a pretty good view outside, though it’s kind of foggy and a little bit cold..

Well, I may not always take a train, but if it’s a long way and I have few days time in my hands to spare, then, Hell Ya..!! I’m gonna take a train again.. :D

Monday 16 June 2014

We are Physically Challenged, not ALIENS..!!

Today, in the evening, I went to an electronic store to buy a charger for my camera.. When I entered the store, it was very silent, a pretty unusual thing for a store filled with customers..  I wasn't able to find out the reason, until I went to the counter .. There was this very decent looking guy with a smile in his face and people were asking him about products and prices by sign language.. That’s when I realized that he was deaf.. But he was so natural, that you cannot say if he is deaf or not, until you notice very closely.. So, I went to him, showed my camera and asked about a charger.. He took out some cables, took my camera, saw which one fitted the best and gave it to me.. His behaviour was really pleasing.. Then I said thank you in sign language (I know some sign languages, like thank you, hello,  sorry, good bye, yea and no) and he smiled back.. There was something different about his smile, something really unusual.. It felt like a true smile coming from the heart.. Because, now a days, people just smile to hide their actual feelings..They just use it as a mask..

 But, there were some customers who were treating him disrespectfully, as if he came from some other planet or something.. It felt really bad.. But still, he was just smiling at them.. I just stood there looking at him, surprised by his reaction to all those assholes.. And then, he looked at me and smiled, as if he was telling me, “ This is my life and I've learned to deal with it..” .. So, I just simply smiled back, said good bye in hand language and came out..

There are many like him in this world.. People who can’t see, can’t hear, or have some other problems.. I never understand why people differentiate them from us.. We all came from the same past.. We all are humans.. And they are the special creations of god, gifted with a good heart.. To be true, I would love to be friends with such people, to have them around, because, they are far better than all those assholes..

I guess, They Are The Real Humans..!!!! :)

Wednesday 11 June 2014

My Funny travelling experience..!! lol.. :p

Travelling, one of the best activities we do.. I love travelling because, I get to meet new people, experience new cultures, and learn a little bit about their languages… But there are also some moments when I hate travelling.. Moments like, when people doesn’t understand what I’m saying , so I have to do some crazy hand movements to make them understand.. Sometimes, I give up and start walking to where ever the road takes me…

Let me share with you, one funny incident.. Few days back, I went to a city.. I checked in a Hotel, rented a cab and visited few amazing places there.. And so, the first day went great.. The next day, I thought of exploring the places near the hotel on foot.. So, I went out and the first few hours were just awesome, until when I realized that I forgot my way back to the hotel.. So, I started asking people about the way.. And none of them seemed to understand what I was saying.. At first, I tried all the languages I knew… Then, I thought of using my ‘Crazy Hand language’, but I got stuck, because, how the hell was I suppose to ask about a hotel with hands…  So I was like “OOohh Damn, leave it..!!”, and gave up and started guessing my way back.. And then, I walked for almost an hour or two, and finally, found my hotel.. I just can’t tell you how happy I was then.. I felt the same way, a person would feel when he’s lost on a desert for days and finally finds some water...

And you know what the best and the funniest part is, Later on I found out that I was just few blocks away from my hotel all that time and I was circling the blocks for almost two hours.. :p

Well, it was really funny but a nice and memorable  experience too… I won’t ever forget that… Never, ever, ever….. !!! :p

Saturday 7 June 2014

Let Go....!!!

We all have our past issues.. Some are good and some are bad.. And, we all wish, at least once in our lifetime, to go back to the past and live it again, or maybe even change it.. People even write songs and poems about getting their past back.. While some, gets crazy and lets their past ruin their present and future…

Well, there is a reason why we call it “The Past”, because no matter how hard you try to cling on to it, it’s already gone.. Well, from whatever I have learned till now, from my own experiences and from that of the others around me, is that, No matter whatever our past is, we can’t do anything about it but to simply let it go.. And, my friends..!! It feels really good…

So, no matter how hard your past is, just simply close your eyes, think about it once, give a smile, and let it go far away from you..

Sometimes, letting go can be one of the most transformative and beautiful choices of your life.. So, let go and be happy with what you have, and live the present to the fullest.. :)

Monday 2 June 2014

The Great Sunday Sleep.. :p

How do people spend their Sunday..?? Go to a movie, visit friends, hangout out at some place, etc.. Well, wanna know my Sunday schedule or the schedule of average youth all around the world..?? Well, our morning starts at around 11 am or sometimes even at 1 or 2 pm.. And then comes the hardest task, "Getting up from the bed and heading for the wash room..".. At that time, I just wish we had some sort of a technology that would help us do everything right from the bed... "Mmmm.., Eeww..!! Now that's a lazy and a nasty thought ... " .. Any ways, when that part's over, some get dressed up and go out to have some fun.., while me, I just go straight to bed once again.... lol..  :p

Sunday 1 June 2014

I'm in the Movieee....!!!! :o :p

Has it ever occurred to you that after coming out from a movie theatre, you feel like you are still in the movie as one of its characters..?? Well, it happens to me sometimes.. I just returned home from watching the movie "X-men-Days of future past", and from the beginning of the movie, till now, I feel like I'm one of the characters in the movie.. Its not because this one is a great action movie or a movie based on one of my favourite comic book series... But, such a feeling comes to me only if I enjoy the movie and love it too much.. It may be a romantic movie (Well, to be true, I don't watch romantic movies much), or comedy, or anything.. 

I just find it fascinating how we connect to a movie while we are watching it.. It feels great.. Well, right now, I feel like I'm a mutant.. LOL :p ;)

Saturday 31 May 2014

Rain, Rain Come Again...!! :D

I love rainy days.. Specially, after a long hot summer.. I just love the smell of dry land, when the first rain drops fall on it.. Some of my best rainy day moments are, when I look outside my window and watch kids playing on the wet grass and when I reach out my hands to catch rain drops.. Sometimes, I myself go out and play with those kids.. But, the next thing that happens most of the times is that, I end up staying on bed for the the next few days with a pink nose that has a 24x7 running water and a tissue paper box by my side.. :p 

Oh oh..!! There are two more things that I love the most other then the rest, i.e, listening to soft music and eating hot and crispy stuffs like veg or chicken nuggets with spicy dips or my favourite "Indian special- Dal Pakoda with mint dip (Pudina ki Chatney)" .... 

Thursday 29 May 2014

Am I Lost..??

Well guys, today I'm posting a poem that I wrote a long time back in my diary.. I still can't believe that I used to write poems back then.. :p .. Any ways, to me, this one, of all the others, has a sentimental value (kind of).. So, I hope you guys like it..

Am I lost in the wave of sadness..??
The sorrow village, the sorrow path
Am I lost in the cave of shadows?
The deadly ghouls and the bloody bath
Am I lost in the tunnel's end ?
There is none, why should I pretend..!!

There was a day
when we were young,
I fell in love and I just sung,
"The grasses are green
the sky is blue..
The roses are red
And as sweet as you.."

That was the day, I remember,
The day which made me happy
But who knew, that the day would pass,
to a day full of agony..

My love was pure,
My love was true,
And all I wanted,
was to be with you..

Now I know, I've lost
-all I had.
Please help me,
Please come back..

Now, I pass my days,
with a tragic longing,
A longing that can never be filled up
A longing that will stay the same...

So, still I ask myself,
Am I lost ??
Am I lost in my way to the past?
The past where my happiness lies,
The past, where you lie..

I wish I could have found the way
The way to where you belong,
The way to where we were together,
The way to where my happiness belonged.

Am I lost in my way to happiness ?
Am I lost in my way to the past  ?
Am I lost in my way to you ?
Am I lost, Lost at last ..????

Thursday 22 May 2014

A Journey Through Time...!!!!! :D

What if you get hold of a "time machine", what will you do then..? Where will you go..?? To the past or to the future..?? Well, I have a list of my own.. 

My first stop will be the Medieval ages, because, I want to see how it was back then,as from what I found out from the stories and movies and all, it was kind of beautiful and awesome, with all those Kings and Queens and Knights, etc. ... Then, my next stop will be the time of World War 2.. Because,(well, its kind of my personal interest), I love the fighter planes of WW2, like, P-51 mustang, F4U Corsair, and many more.. So, I just want to see them in real action once, The actual Dogfight...

Then, I'll head straight to the future, may be, 2087 or 2099 or even 3014, to see how the world looks like then.. And I guess each and everyone of us wants to see that at some time..And then, I'll head a little back to 2035 to see how my future looks like.. And then, finally, back to the time from where I started.. It will be a great journey, The journey through time..

I guess, I took you through a brief Journey through time in your mind while you were reading it.. So, how did it feel..? :p

Well, anyway,  Now, a small question for you all, where will you go if you ever get a time-machine..?? To the past or to the future..??? Feel free to share your thoughts.. I would love to read them.. :)

Saturday 17 May 2014

Aaah..!! Finally, Some alone time....!!

Sometimes, sitting in a room all alone, listening to music and singing something out loud with my guitar, seem's to be the best way to get out of this busy, crazy and noisy world... After a busy day, it feels nice to spend some time alone thinking about whatever happened the whole day and even pointing out my mistakes and achievements of that day.. This helps me improve myself day by day.. It works like a therapy.. Better then wasting money in all those therapy sessions, I guess....!! :)

Monday 12 May 2014

It's so Crowded...!!! But, I feel all alone....

How does it feel to be alone even when there are people around you.??  It's like, you have everything but still, you have nothing. Its a kind of feeling that people can't even explain. Such feelings come when you are missing something in your life.. Something that you want, but, you can't have. It happens to most of us at a point of time.. Most of the time, the reason is someone, not something. We want that person so much that we forget that we have other important people in our lives.. And then, we start losing the valuable things in pursuit of something that is not even worth it.. And eventually, we end up being alone..

If you'r reading this, then try to think if something such ever happened to you.. And I believe most of you will find it..

We've all done stuffs that we regret later on.. But, we can't do anything about it, except to let it go.. So, I guess what people say is true.. "Think before you do.." .. And, that's the only thing we don't do... 

Sunday 11 May 2014

A Perfect Day... :)

How will you define a perfect day..??

You wake up in the morning; go to work where the boss tells you that he’s happy with your work, you get to do less work that day or you get a promotion. And at the evening, you hang out with friends at a bar or somewhere fun, then, you come home, watch your favourite movie, have your dinner and go to sleep with a sweet smile on your face…

Well, it differs from people to people on how they expect their perfect day..

For me, it’s the moment while returning home, when I smile at a toddler passing by and she/he smiles back. It doesn't matter if the day is hard or good, but if I get to see that cute smile at the end of that day, then that is a perfect day for me… :)

Tuesday 6 May 2014

The ultimate KEY to get your love.. ;)

In the earlier times, love and dating were simple.. It didn't have much to do with plans or strategies to approach a girl.. But now, we have to think a big time before even talking to a girl. People even read books to get a girl. But, with my experience, I can tell you one thing that such books never help. Loving or dating someone, isn't something you'll find in book. Its something you have to figure out yourself. All you need to do is to be yourself.

I would like to say one thing to those who are trying to get their love,- Always be yourself and be honest to the person you love. Don't try to be someone else, because you would want her to fall in love with you, not with the person you're trying to be.. And, if she doesn't love you for that, then she is not the right person for you.. The same applies to the girls who are trying to get their perfect one.. So, all the best.. & Be happy.. :)

Friday 2 May 2014

My Important VIRTUAL Life.. :p

I just find it funny that now a days, Social networks has become the most crucial part of our life. We just can’t stay without it. We even fight over it. “If you do not block him/her, I won’t talk with you” , “I won’t get into any relationship with you until you deactivate your facebook/twitter profile”. “I’ll break up with you if you do not accept my friend request” .

It’s really hilarious that we take virtual life more seriously than the real one... :D

Thursday 1 May 2014

"Mommy, I want to become a '---' !! "

During our childhood days, we all wanted to become someone when we grew up .. Some wanted to become a doctor, others engineer, pilots, army, etc. Well, I wanted to become “Spider-Man” .. :p . Anyways, jokes apart, I wanted to become a Pilot and rule the skies. When we were kids, such wishes were so easy to make. But, as time passed, things changed and so did our wishes and wants. Some were able to stick to their wishes and some, got drifted apart. Things became difficult and hard.

Today, I met a kid, and asked him what he wanted to become when he grows up. His answer was same as ours, innocent and without any thoughts. He also wanted to become a pilot. It was so cute. And I went into a quick flashback of my childhood. But then, I smiled at him and told him that its not going to be easy. He’ll have to struggle a long way, and stick to his wishes. And never lose hope.

But, we all know that as we grow up, things change. We might never get what we want, but we can at least be happy about what we have and stick to what we can achieve, rather then, to what we could have achieved..

Sunday 27 April 2014

Wishes Tied To A Tree...

In India, there's a ritual, where, sometimes when people go out to some religious place, they wish for something and tie a piece of cloth to a tree. They believe that by doing this, they'll get what they wished for.. And if such happens, then they return back one day, at the same place and untie the cloth.. Well, its obvious that finding that same old cloth from all the others is not possible, so they untie any one of them.. To be true, i never saw anyone untie a knot.. I don't know if it even works or not.. Well, i'm not that much of a religious person, but, i would like to try it out once. And, i don't think it'll work anyways, as people say that we need to have faith in it, and i don't have that. But, i'll try.. 

Well, I suddenly came up with such topic because today, i went out with some of my friends to visit one of such religious places, and i saw a banyan tree which had infinite number of cloths tied to its body and branches. I just stood there and stared at those pieces. The thought that I was not just looking at some piece of cloths, I was looking at the wishes of millions of people, was creepy and gave me goose bumps.

But, well, as people say, religion is something we believe, and it differs from people to people. So, let's just leave it to its place... :)

Saturday 26 April 2014

Something Lost, Something Found...

It all started when I was in high school, Senior year.. Everything was going great. Cutting classes to go to gaming pubs, getting punished intentionally, just to stand outside the class to see the girls of junior classes, and all the other stuffs that all average senior high school boys do. It was fun. Until one day, I caught a glimpse of a girl from the junior classes. She was new in school. She was short, may be 5.4/5, and was wearing tight blue jeans, an Iron Maiden t-shirt and a red converse. Her hair came right down her forehead, and went behind the right ear.. In one word, A Perfect Girl.. It was as if I was looking at an angle.. At that time, I was emotionally broken due to some bad events earlier. But, that girl, was something else.. I wasn't able to stop thinking about her the whole day..
So, the next day, I took one of my friend and went to find her.. I searched every class, but she was not there.. And then, a girl suddenly called out the name “Amy”., and, as I turned around,  she just passed by me. And, I stood there without a word.. And I don’t know why, but, I didn't get the courage to go up to her and talk about my feelings..
And then began my mission, “Mission Amy”.. I had a hard time with that mission. I became friends with one of her friends, who was co-incidentally my neighbor. Had to give her treats or take her out once a week,( as her family was very strict on letting her hang out with friends but, allowed me  as they knew me very well..), just to make her talk to Amy.. She was a total “Pain In The Ass”.. But, finally, she talked..
The next day, that girl gave me the news that I was desperately waiting for. Amy agreed to talk with me and she wanted me to go down to a coffee shop after the school ends. I was excited, and went there as soon as the classes were over. Waited there for nearly two hours, but she never came.. I can never explain how bad it felt..
Later on, next day, her friend gave me a devastating news. She left the town as her dad got transferred to another state and she had to go with him..

Well, I had her number but she changed it. So, I never got the chance to talk to her, never got the chance to express my feelings.. Eventually, I lost her, The Perfect One. But, during that mission, I found something very precious.  A good friend. “The girl next door.”.. And She's still a Pain in the ass, but, we are best friends now..  J

** Amy is not the real name. It was changed for some personal matters..

So, How was my Senior year Story..?? Did you like it..?? Do comment..!

Friday 25 April 2014

WHAT IF..?? And WHY..??

What if..?? And why..??, These are the words in English language which sometimes keep us thinking.. They play games with our minds.. Well, the thing I’m about to write is silly and of no use at all, but, if you read it, you won’t stop thinking about it..
Let’s start.. Well, have you ever thought of “why this. Why that”, or, “what if this, what if that”.. ??, Such thoughts normally come when we have nothing to do (like me, right now).. It comes across our mind at some point.. You just can’t deny it.. For example, thoughts like “Why is it called tide, why not wave? ” , “What if I were a bird??”, ,etc.. These thoughts are some stupid and silly thoughts that can never have an answer or meaning, but, can keep you busy for a long time.. And, I personally, find such thoughts cute, specially, when a girl tells me or asks me something like that..

What do you say guys..?? Ever had such silly thoughts?? Do comment.. :D

My moment before death..

Well, I've always been thinking one thing.. And i guess this thought comes in everybody's mind at a point of time.. "How does it feel at the last few moments before death..??" .. This is a kind of question that has various different answers.. But none will totally satisfy you.. Well, I've faced that moment once in my childhood.. It was scary, but at the same time, peaceful.. I'm sure many of you are thinking "Why suddenly this topic..??" .. To be true, i don't know.. I guess its because one of my closest friend died few days back and last night, one of my favorite teacher passed away... and, i got both the news today.. So, it felt kind of odd, strange and sad.. And, i didn't know what to do, so, thought that, writing about something might help.. Anyways, lets move on with my topic.. When i was 12, i had a bit of an accident. I wanted to learn swimming. So, i got enrolled in a swimming club. It was my second day in the pool.. And, i was not supposed to get in without an instructor.. But, i did.. And, that's when i realized my mistake. Suddenly, i slipped.. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when i opened it, it was water everywhere, and i was struggling to get out, but was not able to.. I was not even able to breath.. It was scary.. 
But, few moments later, everything went silent. I was able to see things, but was not able to understand anything. Suddenly, all the people i loved or cared about, flashed in front of my eyes.. I stopped struggling.. It felt so peaceful, that you can't even imagine.. I guess, that was my moment before death.. But then, when i opened my eyes, i was out of the water and my instructor stood in front of me asking me if i was okay or not..I stood there in a shock for a while. Then, went out without saying a word.. It was odd for me at that age. But now, i know. 
Well, i guess this is how it feels before someone dies.. Scared but, Peaceful.. So i think, my friend and my teacher are at peace right now, wherever they are. I just wish i had the chance to say good bye to them for the last time.. "Will miss you guys" .. R.I.P.. 

Well, here ends my blog for today.. :)