Friday 20 June 2014

A Trip By Train..!! :D

Train, a medium of travelling which has become less preferable now a days… People love to travel by air now, as it is less time consuming.. Well, I myself prefer flight to train.. But, sometimes, a journey by train can be really exciting and pretty awesome.. Right now, I'm in a train, travelling back home.. It’s a two day journey..  Well, I guess I chose this medium to return back home for its fun and an exciting experience..  And it’s the second day already,  Its 7am and the train will reach its destination by 4pm..
So, what happened last day..?? I boarded the train at 10am.. After that, it was quite a boring journey for an hour or two.. But then, there was this girl sitting opposite to me.. and we started chatting.. Our conversation starter was a mint chewing gum that I offered to her.. And then, everything went smooth and I didn't even realize how time passed by and it was afternoon already.. I guess at that time, we ran out of things to talk about.. So, I had my laptop with me and started watching movie and she began to write something…  And best part of the first day was the views outside the window..  The wide spread corn fields,  the beautiful village areas, all those other beautiful sceneries… The beauty was just unspeakable..

So, that was the best things of the first day..  And now, it’s the next day, and so far, nothing much has happened.. But, its still a pretty good view outside, though it’s kind of foggy and a little bit cold..

Well, I may not always take a train, but if it’s a long way and I have few days time in my hands to spare, then, Hell Ya..!! I’m gonna take a train again.. :D

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