Friday 25 April 2014

WHAT IF..?? And WHY..??

What if..?? And why..??, These are the words in English language which sometimes keep us thinking.. They play games with our minds.. Well, the thing I’m about to write is silly and of no use at all, but, if you read it, you won’t stop thinking about it..
Let’s start.. Well, have you ever thought of “why this. Why that”, or, “what if this, what if that”.. ??, Such thoughts normally come when we have nothing to do (like me, right now).. It comes across our mind at some point.. You just can’t deny it.. For example, thoughts like “Why is it called tide, why not wave? ” , “What if I were a bird??”, ,etc.. These thoughts are some stupid and silly thoughts that can never have an answer or meaning, but, can keep you busy for a long time.. And, I personally, find such thoughts cute, specially, when a girl tells me or asks me something like that..

What do you say guys..?? Ever had such silly thoughts?? Do comment.. :D

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