Monday 12 May 2014

It's so Crowded...!!! But, I feel all alone....

How does it feel to be alone even when there are people around you.??  It's like, you have everything but still, you have nothing. Its a kind of feeling that people can't even explain. Such feelings come when you are missing something in your life.. Something that you want, but, you can't have. It happens to most of us at a point of time.. Most of the time, the reason is someone, not something. We want that person so much that we forget that we have other important people in our lives.. And then, we start losing the valuable things in pursuit of something that is not even worth it.. And eventually, we end up being alone..

If you'r reading this, then try to think if something such ever happened to you.. And I believe most of you will find it..

We've all done stuffs that we regret later on.. But, we can't do anything about it, except to let it go.. So, I guess what people say is true.. "Think before you do.." .. And, that's the only thing we don't do... 

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