Saturday 26 April 2014

Something Lost, Something Found...

It all started when I was in high school, Senior year.. Everything was going great. Cutting classes to go to gaming pubs, getting punished intentionally, just to stand outside the class to see the girls of junior classes, and all the other stuffs that all average senior high school boys do. It was fun. Until one day, I caught a glimpse of a girl from the junior classes. She was new in school. She was short, may be 5.4/5, and was wearing tight blue jeans, an Iron Maiden t-shirt and a red converse. Her hair came right down her forehead, and went behind the right ear.. In one word, A Perfect Girl.. It was as if I was looking at an angle.. At that time, I was emotionally broken due to some bad events earlier. But, that girl, was something else.. I wasn't able to stop thinking about her the whole day..
So, the next day, I took one of my friend and went to find her.. I searched every class, but she was not there.. And then, a girl suddenly called out the name “Amy”., and, as I turned around,  she just passed by me. And, I stood there without a word.. And I don’t know why, but, I didn't get the courage to go up to her and talk about my feelings..
And then began my mission, “Mission Amy”.. I had a hard time with that mission. I became friends with one of her friends, who was co-incidentally my neighbor. Had to give her treats or take her out once a week,( as her family was very strict on letting her hang out with friends but, allowed me  as they knew me very well..), just to make her talk to Amy.. She was a total “Pain In The Ass”.. But, finally, she talked..
The next day, that girl gave me the news that I was desperately waiting for. Amy agreed to talk with me and she wanted me to go down to a coffee shop after the school ends. I was excited, and went there as soon as the classes were over. Waited there for nearly two hours, but she never came.. I can never explain how bad it felt..
Later on, next day, her friend gave me a devastating news. She left the town as her dad got transferred to another state and she had to go with him..

Well, I had her number but she changed it. So, I never got the chance to talk to her, never got the chance to express my feelings.. Eventually, I lost her, The Perfect One. But, during that mission, I found something very precious.  A good friend. “The girl next door.”.. And She's still a Pain in the ass, but, we are best friends now..  J

** Amy is not the real name. It was changed for some personal matters..

So, How was my Senior year Story..?? Did you like it..?? Do comment..!

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