Friday 25 April 2014

My moment before death..

Well, I've always been thinking one thing.. And i guess this thought comes in everybody's mind at a point of time.. "How does it feel at the last few moments before death..??" .. This is a kind of question that has various different answers.. But none will totally satisfy you.. Well, I've faced that moment once in my childhood.. It was scary, but at the same time, peaceful.. I'm sure many of you are thinking "Why suddenly this topic..??" .. To be true, i don't know.. I guess its because one of my closest friend died few days back and last night, one of my favorite teacher passed away... and, i got both the news today.. So, it felt kind of odd, strange and sad.. And, i didn't know what to do, so, thought that, writing about something might help.. Anyways, lets move on with my topic.. When i was 12, i had a bit of an accident. I wanted to learn swimming. So, i got enrolled in a swimming club. It was my second day in the pool.. And, i was not supposed to get in without an instructor.. But, i did.. And, that's when i realized my mistake. Suddenly, i slipped.. I closed my eyes for a moment, and when i opened it, it was water everywhere, and i was struggling to get out, but was not able to.. I was not even able to breath.. It was scary.. 
But, few moments later, everything went silent. I was able to see things, but was not able to understand anything. Suddenly, all the people i loved or cared about, flashed in front of my eyes.. I stopped struggling.. It felt so peaceful, that you can't even imagine.. I guess, that was my moment before death.. But then, when i opened my eyes, i was out of the water and my instructor stood in front of me asking me if i was okay or not..I stood there in a shock for a while. Then, went out without saying a word.. It was odd for me at that age. But now, i know. 
Well, i guess this is how it feels before someone dies.. Scared but, Peaceful.. So i think, my friend and my teacher are at peace right now, wherever they are. I just wish i had the chance to say good bye to them for the last time.. "Will miss you guys" .. R.I.P.. 

Well, here ends my blog for today.. :)

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