Monday 2 June 2014

The Great Sunday Sleep.. :p

How do people spend their Sunday..?? Go to a movie, visit friends, hangout out at some place, etc.. Well, wanna know my Sunday schedule or the schedule of average youth all around the world..?? Well, our morning starts at around 11 am or sometimes even at 1 or 2 pm.. And then comes the hardest task, "Getting up from the bed and heading for the wash room..".. At that time, I just wish we had some sort of a technology that would help us do everything right from the bed... "Mmmm.., Eeww..!! Now that's a lazy and a nasty thought ... " .. Any ways, when that part's over, some get dressed up and go out to have some fun.., while me, I just go straight to bed once again.... lol..  :p

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