Thursday 29 May 2014

Am I Lost..??

Well guys, today I'm posting a poem that I wrote a long time back in my diary.. I still can't believe that I used to write poems back then.. :p .. Any ways, to me, this one, of all the others, has a sentimental value (kind of).. So, I hope you guys like it..

Am I lost in the wave of sadness..??
The sorrow village, the sorrow path
Am I lost in the cave of shadows?
The deadly ghouls and the bloody bath
Am I lost in the tunnel's end ?
There is none, why should I pretend..!!

There was a day
when we were young,
I fell in love and I just sung,
"The grasses are green
the sky is blue..
The roses are red
And as sweet as you.."

That was the day, I remember,
The day which made me happy
But who knew, that the day would pass,
to a day full of agony..

My love was pure,
My love was true,
And all I wanted,
was to be with you..

Now I know, I've lost
-all I had.
Please help me,
Please come back..

Now, I pass my days,
with a tragic longing,
A longing that can never be filled up
A longing that will stay the same...

So, still I ask myself,
Am I lost ??
Am I lost in my way to the past?
The past where my happiness lies,
The past, where you lie..

I wish I could have found the way
The way to where you belong,
The way to where we were together,
The way to where my happiness belonged.

Am I lost in my way to happiness ?
Am I lost in my way to the past  ?
Am I lost in my way to you ?
Am I lost, Lost at last ..????

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