Saturday 7 June 2014

Let Go....!!!

We all have our past issues.. Some are good and some are bad.. And, we all wish, at least once in our lifetime, to go back to the past and live it again, or maybe even change it.. People even write songs and poems about getting their past back.. While some, gets crazy and lets their past ruin their present and future…

Well, there is a reason why we call it “The Past”, because no matter how hard you try to cling on to it, it’s already gone.. Well, from whatever I have learned till now, from my own experiences and from that of the others around me, is that, No matter whatever our past is, we can’t do anything about it but to simply let it go.. And, my friends..!! It feels really good…

So, no matter how hard your past is, just simply close your eyes, think about it once, give a smile, and let it go far away from you..

Sometimes, letting go can be one of the most transformative and beautiful choices of your life.. So, let go and be happy with what you have, and live the present to the fullest.. :)

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