Monday 16 June 2014

We are Physically Challenged, not ALIENS..!!

Today, in the evening, I went to an electronic store to buy a charger for my camera.. When I entered the store, it was very silent, a pretty unusual thing for a store filled with customers..  I wasn't able to find out the reason, until I went to the counter .. There was this very decent looking guy with a smile in his face and people were asking him about products and prices by sign language.. That’s when I realized that he was deaf.. But he was so natural, that you cannot say if he is deaf or not, until you notice very closely.. So, I went to him, showed my camera and asked about a charger.. He took out some cables, took my camera, saw which one fitted the best and gave it to me.. His behaviour was really pleasing.. Then I said thank you in sign language (I know some sign languages, like thank you, hello,  sorry, good bye, yea and no) and he smiled back.. There was something different about his smile, something really unusual.. It felt like a true smile coming from the heart.. Because, now a days, people just smile to hide their actual feelings..They just use it as a mask..

 But, there were some customers who were treating him disrespectfully, as if he came from some other planet or something.. It felt really bad.. But still, he was just smiling at them.. I just stood there looking at him, surprised by his reaction to all those assholes.. And then, he looked at me and smiled, as if he was telling me, “ This is my life and I've learned to deal with it..” .. So, I just simply smiled back, said good bye in hand language and came out..

There are many like him in this world.. People who can’t see, can’t hear, or have some other problems.. I never understand why people differentiate them from us.. We all came from the same past.. We all are humans.. And they are the special creations of god, gifted with a good heart.. To be true, I would love to be friends with such people, to have them around, because, they are far better than all those assholes..

I guess, They Are The Real Humans..!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mr. Ahir for posting your comments... Its feels good to hear from people now and then... And it felt good to hear that you loved my posts.. Thank you.. :)
