Friday 20 June 2014

A Trip By Train..!! :D

Train, a medium of travelling which has become less preferable now a days… People love to travel by air now, as it is less time consuming.. Well, I myself prefer flight to train.. But, sometimes, a journey by train can be really exciting and pretty awesome.. Right now, I'm in a train, travelling back home.. It’s a two day journey..  Well, I guess I chose this medium to return back home for its fun and an exciting experience..  And it’s the second day already,  Its 7am and the train will reach its destination by 4pm..
So, what happened last day..?? I boarded the train at 10am.. After that, it was quite a boring journey for an hour or two.. But then, there was this girl sitting opposite to me.. and we started chatting.. Our conversation starter was a mint chewing gum that I offered to her.. And then, everything went smooth and I didn't even realize how time passed by and it was afternoon already.. I guess at that time, we ran out of things to talk about.. So, I had my laptop with me and started watching movie and she began to write something…  And best part of the first day was the views outside the window..  The wide spread corn fields,  the beautiful village areas, all those other beautiful sceneries… The beauty was just unspeakable..

So, that was the best things of the first day..  And now, it’s the next day, and so far, nothing much has happened.. But, its still a pretty good view outside, though it’s kind of foggy and a little bit cold..

Well, I may not always take a train, but if it’s a long way and I have few days time in my hands to spare, then, Hell Ya..!! I’m gonna take a train again.. :D

Monday 16 June 2014

We are Physically Challenged, not ALIENS..!!

Today, in the evening, I went to an electronic store to buy a charger for my camera.. When I entered the store, it was very silent, a pretty unusual thing for a store filled with customers..  I wasn't able to find out the reason, until I went to the counter .. There was this very decent looking guy with a smile in his face and people were asking him about products and prices by sign language.. That’s when I realized that he was deaf.. But he was so natural, that you cannot say if he is deaf or not, until you notice very closely.. So, I went to him, showed my camera and asked about a charger.. He took out some cables, took my camera, saw which one fitted the best and gave it to me.. His behaviour was really pleasing.. Then I said thank you in sign language (I know some sign languages, like thank you, hello,  sorry, good bye, yea and no) and he smiled back.. There was something different about his smile, something really unusual.. It felt like a true smile coming from the heart.. Because, now a days, people just smile to hide their actual feelings..They just use it as a mask..

 But, there were some customers who were treating him disrespectfully, as if he came from some other planet or something.. It felt really bad.. But still, he was just smiling at them.. I just stood there looking at him, surprised by his reaction to all those assholes.. And then, he looked at me and smiled, as if he was telling me, “ This is my life and I've learned to deal with it..” .. So, I just simply smiled back, said good bye in hand language and came out..

There are many like him in this world.. People who can’t see, can’t hear, or have some other problems.. I never understand why people differentiate them from us.. We all came from the same past.. We all are humans.. And they are the special creations of god, gifted with a good heart.. To be true, I would love to be friends with such people, to have them around, because, they are far better than all those assholes..

I guess, They Are The Real Humans..!!!! :)

Wednesday 11 June 2014

My Funny travelling experience..!! lol.. :p

Travelling, one of the best activities we do.. I love travelling because, I get to meet new people, experience new cultures, and learn a little bit about their languages… But there are also some moments when I hate travelling.. Moments like, when people doesn’t understand what I’m saying , so I have to do some crazy hand movements to make them understand.. Sometimes, I give up and start walking to where ever the road takes me…

Let me share with you, one funny incident.. Few days back, I went to a city.. I checked in a Hotel, rented a cab and visited few amazing places there.. And so, the first day went great.. The next day, I thought of exploring the places near the hotel on foot.. So, I went out and the first few hours were just awesome, until when I realized that I forgot my way back to the hotel.. So, I started asking people about the way.. And none of them seemed to understand what I was saying.. At first, I tried all the languages I knew… Then, I thought of using my ‘Crazy Hand language’, but I got stuck, because, how the hell was I suppose to ask about a hotel with hands…  So I was like “OOohh Damn, leave it..!!”, and gave up and started guessing my way back.. And then, I walked for almost an hour or two, and finally, found my hotel.. I just can’t tell you how happy I was then.. I felt the same way, a person would feel when he’s lost on a desert for days and finally finds some water...

And you know what the best and the funniest part is, Later on I found out that I was just few blocks away from my hotel all that time and I was circling the blocks for almost two hours.. :p

Well, it was really funny but a nice and memorable  experience too… I won’t ever forget that… Never, ever, ever….. !!! :p

Saturday 7 June 2014

Let Go....!!!

We all have our past issues.. Some are good and some are bad.. And, we all wish, at least once in our lifetime, to go back to the past and live it again, or maybe even change it.. People even write songs and poems about getting their past back.. While some, gets crazy and lets their past ruin their present and future…

Well, there is a reason why we call it “The Past”, because no matter how hard you try to cling on to it, it’s already gone.. Well, from whatever I have learned till now, from my own experiences and from that of the others around me, is that, No matter whatever our past is, we can’t do anything about it but to simply let it go.. And, my friends..!! It feels really good…

So, no matter how hard your past is, just simply close your eyes, think about it once, give a smile, and let it go far away from you..

Sometimes, letting go can be one of the most transformative and beautiful choices of your life.. So, let go and be happy with what you have, and live the present to the fullest.. :)

Monday 2 June 2014

The Great Sunday Sleep.. :p

How do people spend their Sunday..?? Go to a movie, visit friends, hangout out at some place, etc.. Well, wanna know my Sunday schedule or the schedule of average youth all around the world..?? Well, our morning starts at around 11 am or sometimes even at 1 or 2 pm.. And then comes the hardest task, "Getting up from the bed and heading for the wash room..".. At that time, I just wish we had some sort of a technology that would help us do everything right from the bed... "Mmmm.., Eeww..!! Now that's a lazy and a nasty thought ... " .. Any ways, when that part's over, some get dressed up and go out to have some fun.., while me, I just go straight to bed once again.... lol..  :p

Sunday 1 June 2014

I'm in the Movieee....!!!! :o :p

Has it ever occurred to you that after coming out from a movie theatre, you feel like you are still in the movie as one of its characters..?? Well, it happens to me sometimes.. I just returned home from watching the movie "X-men-Days of future past", and from the beginning of the movie, till now, I feel like I'm one of the characters in the movie.. Its not because this one is a great action movie or a movie based on one of my favourite comic book series... But, such a feeling comes to me only if I enjoy the movie and love it too much.. It may be a romantic movie (Well, to be true, I don't watch romantic movies much), or comedy, or anything.. 

I just find it fascinating how we connect to a movie while we are watching it.. It feels great.. Well, right now, I feel like I'm a mutant.. LOL :p ;)