Saturday 31 May 2014

Rain, Rain Come Again...!! :D

I love rainy days.. Specially, after a long hot summer.. I just love the smell of dry land, when the first rain drops fall on it.. Some of my best rainy day moments are, when I look outside my window and watch kids playing on the wet grass and when I reach out my hands to catch rain drops.. Sometimes, I myself go out and play with those kids.. But, the next thing that happens most of the times is that, I end up staying on bed for the the next few days with a pink nose that has a 24x7 running water and a tissue paper box by my side.. :p 

Oh oh..!! There are two more things that I love the most other then the rest, i.e, listening to soft music and eating hot and crispy stuffs like veg or chicken nuggets with spicy dips or my favourite "Indian special- Dal Pakoda with mint dip (Pudina ki Chatney)" .... 

Thursday 29 May 2014

Am I Lost..??

Well guys, today I'm posting a poem that I wrote a long time back in my diary.. I still can't believe that I used to write poems back then.. :p .. Any ways, to me, this one, of all the others, has a sentimental value (kind of).. So, I hope you guys like it..

Am I lost in the wave of sadness..??
The sorrow village, the sorrow path
Am I lost in the cave of shadows?
The deadly ghouls and the bloody bath
Am I lost in the tunnel's end ?
There is none, why should I pretend..!!

There was a day
when we were young,
I fell in love and I just sung,
"The grasses are green
the sky is blue..
The roses are red
And as sweet as you.."

That was the day, I remember,
The day which made me happy
But who knew, that the day would pass,
to a day full of agony..

My love was pure,
My love was true,
And all I wanted,
was to be with you..

Now I know, I've lost
-all I had.
Please help me,
Please come back..

Now, I pass my days,
with a tragic longing,
A longing that can never be filled up
A longing that will stay the same...

So, still I ask myself,
Am I lost ??
Am I lost in my way to the past?
The past where my happiness lies,
The past, where you lie..

I wish I could have found the way
The way to where you belong,
The way to where we were together,
The way to where my happiness belonged.

Am I lost in my way to happiness ?
Am I lost in my way to the past  ?
Am I lost in my way to you ?
Am I lost, Lost at last ..????

Thursday 22 May 2014

A Journey Through Time...!!!!! :D

What if you get hold of a "time machine", what will you do then..? Where will you go..?? To the past or to the future..?? Well, I have a list of my own.. 

My first stop will be the Medieval ages, because, I want to see how it was back then,as from what I found out from the stories and movies and all, it was kind of beautiful and awesome, with all those Kings and Queens and Knights, etc. ... Then, my next stop will be the time of World War 2.. Because,(well, its kind of my personal interest), I love the fighter planes of WW2, like, P-51 mustang, F4U Corsair, and many more.. So, I just want to see them in real action once, The actual Dogfight...

Then, I'll head straight to the future, may be, 2087 or 2099 or even 3014, to see how the world looks like then.. And I guess each and everyone of us wants to see that at some time..And then, I'll head a little back to 2035 to see how my future looks like.. And then, finally, back to the time from where I started.. It will be a great journey, The journey through time..

I guess, I took you through a brief Journey through time in your mind while you were reading it.. So, how did it feel..? :p

Well, anyway,  Now, a small question for you all, where will you go if you ever get a time-machine..?? To the past or to the future..??? Feel free to share your thoughts.. I would love to read them.. :)

Saturday 17 May 2014

Aaah..!! Finally, Some alone time....!!

Sometimes, sitting in a room all alone, listening to music and singing something out loud with my guitar, seem's to be the best way to get out of this busy, crazy and noisy world... After a busy day, it feels nice to spend some time alone thinking about whatever happened the whole day and even pointing out my mistakes and achievements of that day.. This helps me improve myself day by day.. It works like a therapy.. Better then wasting money in all those therapy sessions, I guess....!! :)

Monday 12 May 2014

It's so Crowded...!!! But, I feel all alone....

How does it feel to be alone even when there are people around you.??  It's like, you have everything but still, you have nothing. Its a kind of feeling that people can't even explain. Such feelings come when you are missing something in your life.. Something that you want, but, you can't have. It happens to most of us at a point of time.. Most of the time, the reason is someone, not something. We want that person so much that we forget that we have other important people in our lives.. And then, we start losing the valuable things in pursuit of something that is not even worth it.. And eventually, we end up being alone..

If you'r reading this, then try to think if something such ever happened to you.. And I believe most of you will find it..

We've all done stuffs that we regret later on.. But, we can't do anything about it, except to let it go.. So, I guess what people say is true.. "Think before you do.." .. And, that's the only thing we don't do... 

Sunday 11 May 2014

A Perfect Day... :)

How will you define a perfect day..??

You wake up in the morning; go to work where the boss tells you that he’s happy with your work, you get to do less work that day or you get a promotion. And at the evening, you hang out with friends at a bar or somewhere fun, then, you come home, watch your favourite movie, have your dinner and go to sleep with a sweet smile on your face…

Well, it differs from people to people on how they expect their perfect day..

For me, it’s the moment while returning home, when I smile at a toddler passing by and she/he smiles back. It doesn't matter if the day is hard or good, but if I get to see that cute smile at the end of that day, then that is a perfect day for me… :)

Tuesday 6 May 2014

The ultimate KEY to get your love.. ;)

In the earlier times, love and dating were simple.. It didn't have much to do with plans or strategies to approach a girl.. But now, we have to think a big time before even talking to a girl. People even read books to get a girl. But, with my experience, I can tell you one thing that such books never help. Loving or dating someone, isn't something you'll find in book. Its something you have to figure out yourself. All you need to do is to be yourself.

I would like to say one thing to those who are trying to get their love,- Always be yourself and be honest to the person you love. Don't try to be someone else, because you would want her to fall in love with you, not with the person you're trying to be.. And, if she doesn't love you for that, then she is not the right person for you.. The same applies to the girls who are trying to get their perfect one.. So, all the best.. & Be happy.. :)

Friday 2 May 2014

My Important VIRTUAL Life.. :p

I just find it funny that now a days, Social networks has become the most crucial part of our life. We just can’t stay without it. We even fight over it. “If you do not block him/her, I won’t talk with you” , “I won’t get into any relationship with you until you deactivate your facebook/twitter profile”. “I’ll break up with you if you do not accept my friend request” .

It’s really hilarious that we take virtual life more seriously than the real one... :D

Thursday 1 May 2014

"Mommy, I want to become a '---' !! "

During our childhood days, we all wanted to become someone when we grew up .. Some wanted to become a doctor, others engineer, pilots, army, etc. Well, I wanted to become “Spider-Man” .. :p . Anyways, jokes apart, I wanted to become a Pilot and rule the skies. When we were kids, such wishes were so easy to make. But, as time passed, things changed and so did our wishes and wants. Some were able to stick to their wishes and some, got drifted apart. Things became difficult and hard.

Today, I met a kid, and asked him what he wanted to become when he grows up. His answer was same as ours, innocent and without any thoughts. He also wanted to become a pilot. It was so cute. And I went into a quick flashback of my childhood. But then, I smiled at him and told him that its not going to be easy. He’ll have to struggle a long way, and stick to his wishes. And never lose hope.

But, we all know that as we grow up, things change. We might never get what we want, but we can at least be happy about what we have and stick to what we can achieve, rather then, to what we could have achieved..