Sunday 17 May 2015

The Old, The Beautiful.

“When I was your age, sometimes me and my friends used to park our car outside the girls hostel,  and whistle to every girl who passed by.. We were a bunch of screwed up kids in those days..”, an 86 year old man.

Have you ever looked at an old person and wondered how their lives were when they were young..?? Well I do, every time an old person passes by.

Old people, they are the most beautiful creatures of this world. So peaceful, so calm. Maybe the story is different from the other side. But, looking at them makes you wonder how their lives would have been. Their experiences, their adventures, their tragedies, their happy moments, etc. We’re so busy with our lives that we just don’t even bother to look at them while they pass by. Well, they were the same at our age; they also did the same things that we do now.

The elders of our society are full of surprises. Don’t think of them less as they are old. Take some time of your busy life, sit with them and ask them about their lives. Who knows, you might get amazed.  After all, they lived a long life, so, they definitely have a lot of stories to share. It might be crazy, might be awesome. Might even be weird, or sometimes, sad.  Sit with them, listen to their stories, and share your stories as well. For those of you who don’t know, they can be the best listeners, the best advisers, the best teachers, and the best of friends.


Getting old is in inevitable. Everyone will reach that stage at some point. So, do crazy stuffs while you’re young.  Create some memories, some stories, as, You Only Live Once.

Hope when I reach that stage, I too have some amazing stories to share with the next generation…

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