Thursday 24 July 2014

653 Dead in just FIVE MONTHS...!!!

Okay, I guess the last few months had been really unlucky for the Malaysian airlines. And now, the new addition is the Algerie Airlines.. 

The Air Algerie flight that went missing and later on was confirmed to have crashed, had 110 passengers on board and 6 crew members…

 And then, there’s the Mysterious Malaysian flight MH370 that disappeared on March 8, and was concluded to have ended in the Southern Indian Ocean, and the saddest part of this flight is that, till now, there has been no confirmation of any flight debris, and no crash sites has been found. It had 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board presumed dead..  

And last but not the least, the Malaysian airlines flight, MH17 that lost contact with the base and later on, was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, launched by Ukraine rebel on 17th July, just 131 days after the incident of its Brother, MH370, had all 298 passengers including flight attendants, dead…

All of these incidents bring down to a total of 653 people dead in plane crashes, just in the last five months… Now, this is unbearable, unbelievable and just a lot to take in… All these incidents are now making travellers think twice before choosing to travel by air.. Even I’m a bit scared about my journey on 30th July.. But it’s just a 1 hour and 45 minutes journey from one state to another, what can possibly go wrong…  Right..?? And I don’t have any kind of anger or anything like that, on the Malaysian Airlines or Air Algerie for those incidents.. It can happen to anyone… You just don’t know..  But, the only thing that makes me sad is to think about what all those passengers might have gone through during the crash, what would have been their thoughts then and what their family members are going through right now. Specially the members of the mysterious missing flight MH370 with no clue of its crash or passengers yet..

May Their Souls Rest In Peace.. Amen.

Friday 18 July 2014

FRIENDS..!! A Gift Of God Or A Curse Of The DEVIL.. 3:)

Friends..!! A gift of God or a curse of the Devil.. Well, that depends on the kind of friends you choose to be with.. You can’t always understand who’s what…  But if you are intelligent enough, then, you definitely can distinguish between them.. It’s simple..!! One who cares, will be there for you in every turn of your life, even if you are sad or broke.. And the others will only be there at the happy turns of your life and when you have your pockets full…

Well, I always walk alone…  I mean, I have friends..But I never keep them close to me… And I have a big trust issue.. They think I’m their friend and I make them think so.. But, at the end, I know who’s what.. And Now a days, no one’s really your friend.. They all want something from you.. But if you are really lucky, you may get one or two friends who really  values your friendship.. And once you find them, hold them tight and never let go.. Because they are the ones who will company you through the entire journey of your life and be there in your sorrows and happiness.. They are the one who matters… And I guess I'm lucky enough to find three of such amazing friends..

So, there are friends who are the gift of gods and some, who are the curse of the devil.. But I say, make friends with both, but keep your distance.. In that way, you’ll be able to distinguish between people.. And keep only those who matters, closer to you…  :) :)